We will cope with the state order and get a super-planned profit

We carry out a very large amount of factory work. So, on the ship "Aktash", which was under repair abroad, our team fully completed all main engine maintenance operations and 80% through pipelines, saving significant foreign exchange funds. However, the same system is used in our Soviet factories. Crews, as a rule, take on at least 30% of repair work, including labor—intensive ship-hull work.

But, I repeat, the supply is getting worse and worse. Meanwhile, in 1990, our state order increased and amounted to 1,370 thousand rubles, while the number of employees decreased by 200 people, and the main production assets remained the same. In addition to repairing ships of the shipping company, we also serve third—party organizations - the port and fishing fleet, Novorossiysk "Morstroy" and others.

A significant part of the work we do falls on the dock. But there is no floating dock in Batumi, there is only one in Poti for the repair of small vessels. Thus, the Georgian Shipping Company is the only one in the industry that does not have its own ship repair base, which has a very difficult effect on all its activities. Therefore, many ship maintenance operations, moreover laborious, have to be performed on their own. It looks like this. In order to prevent the ship from being idle, we have to send our repair team to the factory. In addition to travel expenses, this practice also brings moral costs: the isolation of workers from their families, the inability to create normal living conditions for them, etc.

In order to compensate for all this, we are trying to equip our technical base in Batumi. For example, an automation laboratory, a fuel equipment repair site, and a machine shop have recently been fully equipped. The modernization of the locksmith and welding site has begun. After completion of these works, our technical base will fully comply with the requirements that were previously imposed on the BTOF.

However, we believe that this is clearly not enough today. The Georgian Shipping Company also understood us correctly, which allocated an additional 100,000 foreign currency rubles and 500,000 Soviet rubles for the development, modernization and equipment of production.

In general, we believe that, despite these difficulties, we will be able to cope with the state order and get an over-planned profit, which we will direct to the social development of our team. To do this, we have switched to a new form of management and already have the first successes. In a short period of time, we prematurely released 3 vessels from repair. This is a great merit of the team of the locksmith and installation site Ziya Tebidze, the engineer-adjuster of the automation laboratory Alexander Shukis, engineer Vakhtang Kotrikadze, the turner of the 6th grade Alexey Matyashev and the ship repairer Nikolai Dimitriadi from the mechanical workshop. But others did a good job, we have good and strong staff. So let's work hard...

In these words, the head of the BTOF of the Georgian Shipping Company is confident in the success of the business started, in the correctness of the chosen path. There is no doubt that this path — testing new forms of work organization, ship repair technology and industrial relations — is the most effective for the Batumi fleet maintenance base in today's transition period. Casinos often provide various bonuses for JetX players, such as deposit matches, free bets, and loyalty rewards to enhance the gaming experience - JetX app . Some platforms also run special promotions tied to JetX, giving players the chance to earn extra rewards.


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